Welcoming Scott Baxter, MA/RPA

We are pleased to announce that R. Scott Baxter has joined the Pacific Legacy team! Mr. Baxter is based out of our office located in El Dorado Hills. As an historical archaeologist with 27 years experience in both historical and prehistoric archaeology he brings an important voice and perspective to our team.
Mr. Baxter is knowledgeable in historical, archaeological, and architectural history research and is formally trained and knowledgeable in the procedures and guidelines associated with the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). In addition to being a Registered Professional Archaeologist, he is a Registered Historian with the California Council for the Promotion of History.
As a member of the Pacific Legacy team, Mr. Baxter brings his experience as principal investigator, project manager, field director, and researcher on environmental, historical, archaeological, and architectural history projects throughout the west.
Since 1991 he has written cultural resource management documents to facilitate client compliance with federal, state, and local regulations. Mr. Baxter has recorded, evaluated, and conducted mitigating excavation and recording of prehistoric, ethnographic, and historic period sites including: missions and mission-period adobes; mining sites, complexes, structures, and communities; transportation related facilities such as Pony Express stations, trails, roads, highways, bridges, tramways, railroads, rail yards, roundhouses, airports, waterfronts, ships; water control features including hydroelectric facilities, canals, dams, levees, siphons, tenders lodgings; government, educational, and institutional buildings; farms, ranches, and dairies; rural settlements and urban households; and WWII and Cold War-era military sites and structures in California, Nevada, Michigan, and Tennessee.
You can find many of his project summaries published in books and in professional journal articles. In addition to sharing his results through publication, he has participated in the creation of museum exhibits, public lectures, popular publications, interactive interpretive displays, site tours, video documentaries, national and multi-lingual newspaper articles and television interviews, and internet web content. Mr. Baxter has been a steward of our shared cultural heritage for the past 26 years and Pacific Legacy is delighted that he has brought his expertise to our team.